حزب التجمع الحكومة يطلب من الحكومة البريطانية ان تعتذز للشعب الفلسطينى


ارسل حزب التجمع الوطني التقدمي الوحدوي – مصر رسالة  إلى رئيسة الوزراء تيريزا ماي وسعادة السفير البريطاني بالقاهرة اعتراضاً  على  الاحتفال  بوعد بلفور  وطالب  الحزب   من الحكومة   البريطانية ان  تعتذز للشعب الفلسطينى

ان الاحتفال هو استفزاز وإهانة صارخة لجميع العرب وجميع الذين يكافحون من أجل التحرير والحرية والاستقلال. ان رئيسة الوزراء تيريزا ماي تحت جميع الذين يسعون جاهدين من أجل السلام والاستقرار في المنطقة.

وكان لوعد بلفور آثار مدمرة في الشرق الأوسط وشعل الحروب التي استمرت 100 سنة.


نص  الخطاب :




A letter from Al-tagamoa  National Progressive Unionist Party – Egypt

To Prime Minister Theresa May

And His Excellency the British Ambassador in Cairo


British Prime Minister Theresa May invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to London for the Balfour centenary and Will sit down for a festive Dinner With him and 150 other carefully selected guests to celebrate Balfour declaration.

13,000 people signed a petition to British Parliament to demand for Balfour apology, but Prime Minister Theresa May said “it’s completely irrational to ask for apology “and added that Britain would mark the centenary “With pride”!

This is a flagrant provocation and insult to all Arabs and all who are fighting for liberation, freedom and independence. Prime Minister Theresa May is challenging all those who are striving for peace and stability in the region.

Balfour declaration has had devastating effects in the Middle East and has ignited wars lasting 100 years.

Prime Minister Theresa May said that Balfour declaration “is one of the most important letters in history. It demonstrates Britain’s vital role in creating a homeland for the Jewish people”.

Here, Prime Minister Theresa May ignored that the declaration was a betrayal of the British wartime understanding with the Arabs , In Fact Britain’s promise to the Zionists lacks real validity because she had previously committed herself to recognizing Arab independence in Palestine and because Balfour promise involves an obligation which she cannot fulfil without Arab consent .

The Arabs has not consented, they never did. They felt that they had been cheated.

Balfour declaration meant that one nation solemnly promised to a second religious group the country of the third.

Britain applied the Zionist slogan that depicted Palestine as “a land without people for people without a land”.

 But Palestine has been inhabited by the Arab Palestinians – Muslims , Christians , and Jews – for long ago and Palestine is the holy land of the fathers of Palestine’s and the graveyard of their ancestors .

The Palestinians loved there country and die in defending it as a national home for them. yet, the Balfour declaration points to the Palestinians as ( the non-Jewish communities )!!. It’s so racist .

Balfour declaration is the outcome of a colonial era and it belongs to that era. When the prime Minister May criticized U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry for his warning that the expansion of Israeli settlements was leading to one state and perpetual occupation, she proved  that she support Israel occupation of  the Palestinian territories and the deprivation of the Palestinians from their homeland, and she proved that she doesn’t respect U.N. resolutions.

Prime Minister May still ignores that some 5 million Palestinians live as displaced refugees across the Middle East in torturous conditions with no basic rights and no hope for lasting future.

Balfour declaration was made by a European power about a non-European territory in flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority resident in that territory and it took the form of a promise about this same territory to another foreign group.

The Balfour declaration created Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people.

This Declaration is the root cause of the destitution and dispossession of the Palestinians and the ongoing occupation of their land. That 1971 Declaration has fateful consequences for the Middle East and the World.

After 100 years ,the two sides in those conflict are still battling.

Celebrating The Balfour declaration highlights Britain’s unwillingness to undo the wrongs of the past century and the decades of Palestinian suffering so as just to survive.

British government must openly apologise to the Palestinian people for issuing this declaration, for the colonial policy between 1917-1948, the mass displacement of the Palestinian nation and the recent statement of prime Minister May concerning Celebrating the Balfour declaration.


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